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BYOD Survey Results

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Forms response chart. Question title: I participate in the BYOD program by bringing a device (other than a phone) to school.. Number of responses: 309 responses.

Forms response chart. Question title: How often (even if only briefly) do you use technology for educational purposes in your classes?. Number of responses: 309 responses.

Narrative: With BYOD eliminating the need to reserve computer labs or carts in advance, many teachers and students are taking advantage of the increased flexibility that “always available” technology creates.

Forms response chart. Question title: To what extent has the BYOD program helped to make your learning more engaging/interesting?. Number of responses: 309 responses.

Narrative: Students reported the increase in interactive and collaborative activities. While students mentioned that many teachers already used technology in prior years, we have seen a 50% increase this year in the use of Google Classroom (an online workflow system that allows for real-time collaboration and a “one-stop shop” for class resources and assignments).  

Forms response chart. Question title: To what extent does the BYOD program provide more flexibility and opportunity in the way students learn or show what they have learned?. Number of responses: 309 responses.

Narrative: Many students reported that it was easier and faster to take down information via their device, and they could organize and store their notes in a better fashion when created digitally.  However, some students also noted that they still prefer to hand-write their notes, and that is also fine. The convenience of having all of their information in one place and being able to quickly access it in school or at home, as well as the ability to quickly look up information or access online help to reinforce concepts at any time was also noted.  

Forms response chart. Question title: Overall, the BYOD program has been a positive addition to the THS educational environment. Number of responses: 309 responses.

Narrative: The results of our trimester 1 survey were overwhelmingly positive. In an open-ended question asking about educational impact, 33% of respondents used the words “Easier to”, “faster” or “quicker”.  Responses show that most students embrace the flexibility and independence to use their own personal device in a way that works best for their learning and management style.

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